

Snyder, W. (2023). Children’s syntax: Insights from the time course of acquisition. Studies in Language Sciences: Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, 21-1, 1–11.

Xu, T., Snyder, W., & Christie, S. (2023). Investigating Children’s Acquisition of Mandarin YOU ‘Again’ with Goal-PPs: Learnability, and the Properties of Child-directed Speech. Proceedings of NELS 53 (North East Linguistic Society). GLSA (Graduate Linguistics Student Association, University of Massachusetts).

Xu, T., Snyder, W., & Christie, S. (2022). Mandarin-speaking Children’s Understanding of YOU ‘Again’ with Goal-PPs: An Experimental Investigation. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. (pp. 320-326). Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Zysman, E., & Snyder, W. (2023). An Acquisitional Connection between Contracted Negation and VPE. BUCLD 47 Proceedings (Boston University Conference on Language Development). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


Snyder, W. (2022) On the nature of syntactic satiation. Languages (Special Issue: Recent Advances in Research on Island Phenomena). DOI: 10.3390/languages7010038.

Wang, S., Kido, Y. and Snyder, W. (2022) Acquisition of English adjectival resultatives: Support for the Compounding Parameter. Language Acquisition. DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2021.2009835.


Snyder, W. (2021) A parametric approach to the acquisition of syntax. Journal of Child Language (Special Issue: Testable Theories of Core First Language Acquisition).

Snyder, W. (2021) Satiation. In Grant Goodall (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Syntax, 154-180. Cambridge University Press. DOI:


Snyder, W. (2020) Children’s syntax: A parametric approach (Keynote Address). In A. Botinis (ed.) Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics. Athens: ExLing Society.

Wang, S., Kido, Y. and Snyder, W. (2020) Spontaneous Production of Adjectival Resultatives and N-N Compounds in Child English. In Megan M. Brown and Alexandra Kohut (eds.) Proceedings of the 44th Boston University Conference on Language Development, 717-723. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


Borga, J. and Snyder, W. (2018) Acquisition of French causatives: Parallels to English passives. Languages 3(2), 18 [].

Borga, J. and Snyder, W. (2018) French experiencer verbs and the Universal Freezing Hypothesis. In A. Gavarró (ed.) On the Acquisition of the Syntax of Romance, 7-29. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Snyder, W. (2018) On the child's role in syntactic change. In G. Sengupta, S. Sircar, G. Raman, R. Balusu (eds.) Perspectives on the Architecture and Acquisition of Syntax: Essays in Honor of R. Amritavalli, 235-242. Singapore: Springer Nature.

Nguyen, E., and Snyder, W. (2018) It’s hard to extend: A unified account of raising-past-experiencers and passives in child English. In Anne B. Bertolini and Maxwell J. Kaplan (eds.) Proceedings of the 42nd Boston University Conference on Language Development, 598-604. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


Nguyen, E., Lillo-Martin, D. and Snyder, W. (2017) Actionality speaks louder than felicity: Children's comprehension of long passives. In Proceedings of GALA 2015, 234-248. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Nguyen, E. and Snyder, W. (2017) The (Non-)Effects of Pragmatics on Children’s Passives. In Maria LaMendola and Jennifer Scott (eds.) Proceedings of the 41st annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 522-531. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Xu, T. and Snyder, W. (2017) There and back again: An acquisition study. Language Acquisition 24(1):3-26.


Snyder, W. (2016) How to set the Compounding Parameter. In L. Perkins, R. Dudley, J. Gerard, and K, Hitczenko (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2015), 122-130. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project [].

Lidz, J., Snyder, W., and Pater, J. (eds.) (2016) The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Snyder, W. (2016) Compound word formation. In Lidz, Snyder, & Pater (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics, 89-110. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Snyder, W. and Hyams, N. (2015) Mimimality effects in children’s passives. In E. Di Domenico, C. Hamann & S. Matteini (eds.) Structures, Strategies and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Adriana Belletti (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 223). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Snyder, W. (2014) Universal Grammar and language development. In P. Brooks and V. Kempe (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Language Development. SAGE Reference.

Hanink, E. and Snyder, W. (2014) Particles and compounds in German: Evidence for the Compounding Parameter. Language Acquisition 21(2):199-211.


Snyder, W. (2013) On the relationship between syntactic competence and language processing. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3(3):345-349.

Goodrich, M. and Snyder, W. (2013) Atelic paths and the Compounding Parameter: Evidence from Acquisition. In N. Goto, K. Otaki, A. Sato, and K. Takita (eds.) Proceedings of GLOW in Asia IX 2012, 19-30. Mie, Japan: Mie University.

Sugisaki, K. and Snyder W. (2013) Children's Grammatical Conservatism: New evidence. In M. Becker, J. Grinstead, and J. Rothman (eds.) Generative Linguistics and Acquisition: Studies in Honor of Nina M. Hyams, 291-308.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Snyder, W. (2012) Parameter theory and motion predicates. In V. Demonte and L. McNally (eds.) Telicity, Change, and State: A Cross-categorial View of Event Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Eom, S. and Snyder, W. (2012) Children's acquisition of English datives: Competing parametric accounts. In Y. Otsu (ed.) Proceedings of the 2012 Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 41-59. Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo.


Snyder, W. (2011) Children's Grammatical Conservatism: Implications for syntactic theory [Plenary Address]. In N. Danis, K. Mesh, and H. Sung (eds.) BUCLD 35: Proceedings of the 35th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Volume I, 1-20. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Snyder, W. and Lillo-Martin, D. (2011) Principles and Parameters Theory and language acquisition. In P. Hogan (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Xu, T. and Snyder, W. (2011) Children’s 2Aux negative questions: Elicited production versus spontaneous speech. In M. Pirvulescu, M.C. Cuervo, A.T. Pérez-Leroux, J. Steele, and N. Strik (eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010), 277-285. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press


Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2010) Fragments in child English and Spanish. In Y. Otsu (ed.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo.

Villa-García, J. and Snyder, W. (2010) On the acquisition of overt subjects, topic, and wh-questions in Spanish. In A. Castro, M. Lobo, and F. Pratas (eds.) Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 2009 (GALA 2009). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Villa-García, Julio, Snyder, W. and Riqueros-Morante, J. (2010) On the analysis of lexical subjects in Caribbean and Mainland Spanish: Evidence from L1 Acquisition. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 34). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Lillo-Martin, D. and Snyder, W. (2010) Commentary on Syntax at age two. Language Acquisition 17:66-69.


Lillo-Martin, D. and Snyder, W. (2009) Commentary on ‘Capturing the evasive passive’. Language Acquisition 16:118-122.


Snyder, W. (2008) Children’s Grammatical Conservatism: Implications for linguistic theory. In T. Sano, M. Endo, M. Isobe, K. Otaki, K. Sugisaki, and T. Suzuki (eds.) An Enterprise in the Cognitive Science of Language: A Festschrift for Yukio Otsu, 41-51. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.

Isobe, M. and Snyder, W. (2008) Child language acquisition as a source of evidence for parameters. Poetica (Special Issue: Current Issues in Generative Grammar and Language Acquisition) 70:1-19.

Lillo-Martin, D. and Snyder, W. (2008) Commentary on ‘The acquisition of inflection: A parameter setting approach’. Language Acquisition 15:210-215.


Snyder, W. (2007) Child Language: The Parametric Approach. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2006) The parameter of preposition stranding: A view from child English. Language Acquisition 13:349-361.

Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2006) Evaluating the variational model of language acquisition. In K.U. Deen, J. Nomura, B. Schulz and B.D. Schwartz (eds.) The Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition–North America, Honolulu, HI. University of Connecticut Occasional Papers in Linguistics, 4, pp. 345-352.

Rodríguez-Mondoñedo, M., Snyder, W., and Sugisaki, K. (2006) The parameter of clitic-climbing: The view from child Spanish. In K.U. Deen, J. Nomura, B. Schulz and B.D. Schwartz (eds.) The Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition–North America, Honolulu, HI. University of Connecticut Occasional Papers in Linguistics, 4, pp. 241-248.


Roeper, T. and Snyder, W. (2005) Language learnability and the forms of recursion. In A.M. Di Sciullo and R. Delmonte (eds.) UG and External Systems: Language, Brain and Computation, 155-169. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Snyder, W. (with D. Lillo-Martin) (2005) Motion predicates and the Compounding Parameter. Nanzan Linguistics No.2, March 2005: Research Results and Activities 2004, pp. 103-105. Nagoya, Japan: Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University.

Grela, B., Snyder, W. and Hiramatsu, K. (2005) The production of novel root compounds in children with Specific Language Impairment. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 19:701-715.

Pan, N. and Snyder, W. (2005) Acquisition of phonological empty categories: A case study of early child Dutch. In A.M. Di Sciullo and R. Delmonte (eds.) UG and External Systems: Language, Brain and Computation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Rodríguez, M., Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2005) Clitic-climbing in child Spanish and the theory of parameters. In A. Brugos, M.R. Clark-Cotton, and S. Ha (eds.) A Supplement to the Proceedings of the 29th Boston University Conference on Language Development.


Snyder, W. and Roeper, T. (2004) Learnability and recursion across categories. In Proceedings of the 28th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Pan, N. and Snyder, W. (2004) Acquisition of /s/-initial clusters: A parametric approach. In Proceedings of the 28th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Roeper, T. and Snyder, W. (2004) Recursion as an analytic device in acquisition. In Proceedings of GALA 2003 (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition). LOT Publications, Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Pan, N. and Snyder, W. (2003) Setting the parameters of syllable structure in early child Dutch. In B. Beachley, A. Brown, and F. Conlin (eds.) Proceedings of the 27th Boston University Conference on Language Development, 615-625. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2003) Do parameters have default values? Evidence from the acquisition of English and Spanish. In Proceedings of the Fourth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo.


Snyder, W. (2002) Language and Mind: A Study Guide. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.

Snyder, W. (2002) Parameters: The view from child language [Keynote Address]. In Proceedings of the Third Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo.\

Roeper, T., Snyder, W., and Hiramatsu, K. (2002) Learnability in a Minimalist framework: Root compounds, merger, and the syntax-morphology interface. In I. Lasser (ed.) The Process of Language Acquisition. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag.

Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2002a) Preposition stranding and the Compounding Parameter: A developmental perspective. In B. Skarabela, S. Fish, and A.H.-J. Do (eds.) Proceedings of the 26th Boston University Conference on Language Development, 677-688. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2002b) The acquisition of preposition stranding and the Compounding Parameter. English Linguistics 19:291-307.


Snyder, W. (2001) On the nature of syntactic variation: Evidence from complex predicates and complex word-formation. Language 77:324-342.

Snyder, W., Senghas, A., and Inman, K. (2001) Agreement morphology and the acquisition of noun-drop in Spanish. Language Acquisition9:157-173.

Bar-Shalom, E. and Snyder, W. (2001) Descriptive imperatives in early child Russian and early correct use of verbal morphology. In A. H.-J. Do, L. Dominguez, and A. Johansen (eds.)Proceedings of the 25th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Beck, S. and Snyder, W. (2001a) Complex predicates and goal PP's: Evidence for a semantic parameter. In A. H.-J. Do, L. Dominguez, and A. Johansen (eds.) Proceedings of the 25th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Beck, S. and Snyder, W. (2001b) The resultative parameter and restitutive again. In C. Fery and W. Sternefeld (eds.) Audiatur Vox Sapientiae: A Festschrift for Arnim von Stechow. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

Sugisaki, K. and Snyder, W. (2001) Preposition stranding and the double-accusative construction in the acquisition of English. In Y. Otsu (ed.)Proceedings of the Second Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 209-225. Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo.


Snyder, W. (2000) An experimental investigation of syntactic satiation effects. Linguistic Inquiry 31:575-582.

Hiramatsu, K., Snyder, W., Roeper, T., Storrs, S., and Saccoman, M. (2000) Of musical hand chairs and linguistic swing. In S.C. Howell, S.A. Fish, and T. Keith-Lucas (eds.) Proceedings of the 24th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Sugisaki, K., Snyder, W., and Yaffee, D. (2000) Preposition stranding and prepositional complementizers in the acquisition of English. In Y. Otsu and Y. Furukawa (eds.) Proceedings of the First Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 154-170. Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo.


Snyder, W., Chen, D., Yamane, M., Conway, L., and Hiramatsu, K. (1999) On the nature of children's left-branch violations. In B. Hollebrandse (ed.) Proceedings of the Workshop on New Perspectives on Language Acquisition. Amherst, MA: GLSA.

Bar-Shalom, E. and Snyder, W. (1999) On the relationship between root infinitives and imperatives in early Child Russian. In A. Greenhill, H. Littlefield, and C. Tano (eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Yamane, M., Chen Pichler, D., and Snyder, W. (1999) Subject-object asymmetries and children's left-branch violations. In A. Greenhill, H. Littlefield, and C. Tano (eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


Snyder, W. (1998) On the aspectual properties of English derived nominals. In U. Sauerland and O. Percus (eds.) The Interpretive Tract: Working Papers in Syntax and Semantics (MITWPL Volume 25), pp.125-139. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

Snyder, W. and Bar-Shalom, E. (1998) Word order, finiteness, and negation in early child Russian. In A. Greenhill, M. Hughes, H. Littlefield, and H. Walsh (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Bar-Shalom, E. and Snyder, W. (1998) Root infinitives in child Russian: A comparison with Italian and Polish. In R. Shillcock, A. Sorace, and C. Heycock (eds.) Language Acquisition: Knowledge Representation and Processing. Proceedings of GALA '97. Edinburgh, UK: The University of Edinburgh.

Boskovic, Z., Franks, S., and Snyder, W. (eds.) (1998) Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The Connecticut Meeting 1997. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications.

Chen, D., Yamane, M., and Snyder, W. (1998) Children's left-branch violations: Evidence for a non-parametric account. In A. Greenhill, M. Hughes, H. Littlefield, and H. Walsh (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


Snyder, W. and Chen, D. (1997) The syntax-morphology interface in the acquisition of French and English. In K. Kusumoto (ed.) Proceedings of NELS 27 (North East Linguistic Society).Amherst, MA: GLSA.

Snyder, W. and Senghas, A. (1997) Agreement morphology and the acquisition of Noun-drop in Spanish. In Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Snyder, W. and K. Stromswold (1997) The structure and acquisition of English dative constructions. Linguistic Inquiry 28:281-317.

Bar-Shalom, E. and Snyder, W. (1997) Optional infinitives in child Russian and their implications for the pro-drop debate. In M. Lindseth and S. Franks (eds.) Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The Indiana Meeting 1996. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications.

Pica, P. and Snyder, W. (1997) On the syntax and semantics of local anaphors. In A.-M. Di Sciullo (ed.) Projections and Interface Conditions. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Snyder, W. (1996) The acquisitional role of the syntax-morphology interface: Morphological compounds and syntactic complex predicates. In A. Stringfellow et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Bar-Shalom, E., Snyder, W., and Boro, J. (1996) Evidence for the optional infinitive stage in Russian. In A. Halbert & K. Matsuoka (eds.) Papers on Acquisition and Processing. Storrs, CT: University of Connecticut Working Papers in Linguistics.


Snyder, W. (1995) Language Acquisition and Language Variation: The Role of Morphology. Doctoral dissertation, MIT. Distributed by MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

Snyder, W. (1995) A neo-Davidsonian approach to resultatives, particles, and datives. In J. Beckman (ed.) Proceedings of NELS 25 (North East Linguistic Society). Amherst, MA: GLSA.

Snyder, W. and Das, D. (1995) The syntactic representation of degree and number in children's English: Evidence for delayed parametric learning. In D. MacLaughlin and S. McEwen (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Snyder, W., N. Hyams, and P. Crisma (1995) Romance auxiliary selection with reflexive clitics: Evidence for early knowledge of unaccusativity. In E. Clark (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Child Language Research Forum. Stanford, CA: CSLI.

Snyder, W., K. Wexler, and D. Das (1995) The syntactic representation of degree and quantity: Perspectives from Japanese and child English. In R. Aranovich et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics XIII. Stanford, CA: CSLI.

Pica, P. and Snyder, W. (1995) Weak crossover, scope, and agreement in a minimalist framework. In R. Aranovich et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics XIII. Stanford, CA: CSLI.

Stromswold, K. and Snyder, W. (1995) Acquisition of datives, particles, and related constructions: Evidence for a parametric account. In D. MacLaughlin and S. McEwen (eds.)Proceedings of the 19th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.


Snyder, W. (1992) The Chain Condition and double object constructions in Albanian. In S. Barbiers, M. den Dikken, and C. Levelt (eds.) LCJL3 Proceedings. The Netherlands: Leiden University.

Snyder, W. and Rothstein, S. (1992) A note on contraction, case, and complementizers. The Linguistic Review 9:251-266.

(Updated 6 January 2024)                                                            

william.snyder (@)